Script & Lyrics by CATHY FLORES
Music & Additional Lyrics by ZACH MARSH
The Cast: 25 or more
The Set: Flexible; elaborate or simple
Approximate Length: 2 acts, 120 min
A vain princess soon discovers how cold her heart really is when she is cursed by a magical mirror and becomes the Snow Queen. Can her sister warm her heart and redeem her self-obsessed sibling or will her efforts receive a chilly reception? This musical is a delight for all ages!
Arteus the Astounding – A Purveyor of Magical Artifacts, the Narrator. (spoof of the character “Miracle Max” in “The Princess Bride”)
Eirlys of Andor – Princess of Andor, soon to be Queen. Lyvia’s older sister. Becomes the Snow Queen. (21 yrs.)
Lyvia of Andor – Princess of Andor. Eirlys’ younger sister. (19 yrs.)
Gerda of Andor – Sister of the late Queen. Currently, Queen Regent.
King of Andor – Eirlys and Lyvia’s father.
Queen of Andor – Eirlys and Lyvia’s mother.
Jeeves – The Royal Tutor to the Princesses.
Kai – Servant who delivers firewood to the castle. Jeeves’ apprentice. (21 yrs.)
Abigrim – Evil imp intent on taking over Andor.
Hildebrand – Prince of Wilderfen. Handsome, but selfish and shallow.
Young Eirlys (12 yrs.)
Young Lyvia (10 yrs.)
Young Kai (12 yrs.)
Rosy, Suitor 1, Suitor 2, Suitor 3, Ice Guard 1, Ice Guard 2, Citizen 1, Citizen 2, Citizen 3, Servant
Citizens of Andor/Party Guests, Suitors, Ice Guards, Snowflakes,Wilderfen Guards, Chorus Dancers
1. “I’ll Tell You a Tale”……………Arteus
2. “What is Love?”……………Queen of Andor
3. “Ice and Snow”……………Abigrim, Gerda
4. “True Love”……………Lyvia, Kai
5. “Distance”……………Eirlys, Lyvia, Young Eirlys, Young Lyvia
6. “Ice and Snow” (Reprise)……………Abigrim
7. “Dancing Away with your Heart”……………Party Guests, Suitors, Lyvia, Hildebrand
8. “True Love” (Reprise)……………Lyvia
9. “The Snow Queen”……………Abigrim, Ice Guards, Snowflakes, Eirlys
Act II
10. “Storm”……………Eirlys, Lyvia, Ice Guards, Snowflakes, Gerda, Jeeves
11. “Rosy Ribbit”……………Jeeves
12. “There’s a Magical Artifact for That”……………Arteus, Chorus Dancers
13. “What is Love?” (Reprise)……………Lyvia, Gerda, Jeeves, Ice Guards, Snowflakes, Kai
14. “God’s Love Makes a Way”……………Lyvia, Eirlys
15. “Our Queen”……………Citizens of Andor
“What is Love?” (Second Reprise)……………Ensemble
“Distance” (Reprise)……………Lyvia, Ensemble
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