Script, Music and Lyrics by MICHAEL TENNANT
The Cast: 10-15
The Set: Simple 1 or 2 unit set
Approximate Length: 1 act, 1 hour (abridged version)
One of history’s most courageous scientists is portrayed in this true story of innovation as the caring, human side of Pasteur is explored. Millions of lives are saved as a result of the daring experiments recounted in this suspenseful saga.
Discover how Pasteur bravely demonstrates the validity of his theories in this humorous and inspirational musical. (A curriculum guide for teachers is also available.)
Pouchet – Arrogant and primeval scientist
Reverend – Superstitious and silly
Ed – Outgoing and obnoxious journalist
Amber – Outgoing and obnoxious journalist
Louis Pasteur – Hardworking, innovative scientist; thinks outside the box
Gaspar – Bread seller. Brief Cameo.
Emile – Pasteur’s trusted assistant
Marie – Pasteur’s passionate wife
Child 1 – Child of Louis and Marie
Child 2 – Child of Louis and Marie
Bertha – Long-winded and nosy
Citizens of France
1. “Look Who’s Coming our Way” – Pouchet, Reverend, Ed, Amber, Louis, Chorus
2. “Under the Microscope” – Louis
3. “Ed and Amber – On Wine” – Ed, Amber, Louis, Reverend
4. “The Rabies Song” – Louis
“Ed and Amber – On Pouchet’s Lecture” (Reprise) – Ed, Amber, Pouchet
5. “Love and Anthrax” – Marie, Louis
“Ed and Amber – On Potential Anthrax Vaccine” (Reprise) – Ed, Amber, Louis
“Ed and Amber – An Attempted Interview (Reprise) – Ed, Amber
“Waiting For the Anthrax” (Reprise) – Pouchet, Reverend Chorus
“Ed and Amber – On Pasteur’s Victory” (Reprise) – Ed, Amber, Reverend
Finale: “Under the Microscope” (Reprise) – Ensembl
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