Script, Music and Lyrics by MICHAEL TENNANT
The Cast: 10-15
The Set: Simple 1 or 2 unit set
Approximate Length: 1 act, 1 hr (abridged version)
Witness the courage of a young man who beats all odds to become the first African-American major league baseball player. This stirring musical is a powerful character study that will encourage audiences of all ages.
The story is also a moving tribute to acts of courage as insidious prejudices are exposed and triumphantly overcome. Carefully researched and sensitively written, “Jackie Robinson” highlights the value of holding true to timeless principles. (A curriculum guide for teachers is also available.)
Jackie Robinson – Courageous young man
Branch Rickey – Owner of the Dodgers
Clay Hopper – Manager of the Dodgers
Dixie – Ball Player
Spider – Ball Player
Eddie – Ball Player
Pee Wee Reese – Ball Player
Pastor Downs – Jackie’s faithful pastor and friend
Bus Driver, Policeman, Waitress, Mail Boy.
1. “Now is the Time/Many Different People” – Rickey, Chorus
2. “Time To Fly” – Jackie, Rickey
3. “The Team Protests” – Ball Players, Hopper, Rickey
4. “Will I walk Through this Door Alone?” – Jackie
5. “How Can I Overcome?” – Jackie
6. “God Sends Heroes” – Pastor, Jackie, Pee Wee, Spider, Chorus
“How Can I Overcome?” (Reprise) – Jackie
Finale: “Will I Walk Through this Door Alone?” (Reprise) – Jackie
“God Sends Heroes” (Reprise) – Cast Ensemble
“Many Different People” (Reprise) – Cast Ensemble
“God Sends Heroes” (Reprise)……………………………………………………Cast Ensemble
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