Script, Music & Lyrics by: WAYNE ROBERT SCOTT
Additional Music & Lyrics by: DUSTIN CEITHAMER & WAYNE SCOTT

The Cast: 20 or more; all ages
The Set: Flexible; may be simple 1 unit
Approximate Length: 2 acts, 90 min

A Zany Musical Comedy:

Fun for all ages is found in this popular musical adaptation inspired by the classic French fairy tale. Audiences who get to enjoy this script will witness a timeless tale of true love and virtue as the beauty Rose discovers the heart within the Beast. Rose and the Beast are surrounded by a castle of enchanted objects whose songs like “Dazzle the Castle,” and “How We Long to be Human,” lend a frolicking contrast to the emotional “Beast’s Lament,” and the powerful “Love Everlasting.”

This creative retelling of the tale emphasizes that it is not one’s outward appearance but what is inside that counts. Fun for all ages is found in this popular musical adaptation inspired by the classic french fairy tale….


Cast and Songs

Rose – (16-20’s) The “Beauty.”  She is selfless and sincere.  Must make a choice to seek out inner beauty and look past the Beast.

Beast – (20-40)  A frightening creature whose scornful heart has brought him fangs and claws, turning him into the Beast.

Father – (35-60)  Kindly old merchant and father to Rose, Ivy & Iris.

Ivy – (20-30)  Jealous sister who envies the attentions her father gives her younger sister Rose.

Iris – (20-30)  Jealous sister who envies the attentions her father gives her younger sister Rose.

Enchantress / Hag – (20-40)  Discerning and wise woman who decides to teach a young foolish man a lesson.

The Prince – (20-30)  Prideful and selfish young man who is eventually restored to his normal self by true love.

The Courier Pierre – (20-35)  Faithful messenger and teller of tales. 

Wise Old Villager – (30-50)  Teller of tales.

Mrs. Peer – (30-50) Wise old advisor to the Beast and general busybody.

Chester Drawers – (30-60)  Officious stuffy headed butler on the outside, kind and sensitive teddy-bear on the inside.  Fiercely loyal to the Beast.

Mr. (or Ms.) Bristle – (20-40)  Bubbly, frenetic and full of charisma and charm.  The entertainer, the showman, always on.

Madam Buffet – (20-40)  A jolly stove with a penchant for romance.

Dusty Pan – (10-16)  Nephew of Bristle

Villagers and Merchants, (Wolves, optional)

Additional Enchanted Objects


1. “Ballad of the Beast”……………Courier, Enchantress, Prince and Villagers

2. “Father, Daughter”……………Father, Rose, Sisters

3. “Once Upon a Time in France”……………Father, Ivy, Iris, Rose, Merchants

“Father, Daughter” (Reprise)……………Father, Rose

“Once Upon a Time in France” (Reprise)……………Merchants

“Ballad of the Beast” (Reprise)……………Courier

4.  “Dazzle the Castle”……………Enchanted Objects, Father

5.  “We Live to Serve”……………Enchanted Objects, Father

“Ballad of the Beast” (Reprise)……………Beast

6.  “How We Long to be Human”……………Enchanted Objects

“Once Upon a Time in France” (Reprise)……………Ivy, Iris

 7.  “Beast’s Lament”……………Beast


“Once Upon a Dream” (“Once Upon a Time in France” Reprise)……………Beast, Rose, Prince

8. “We’re the Ones Who Really Run the Castle”……………Enchanted Objects, Rose

“We Live to Serve” (Reprise)……………Madame Buffet, Enchanted Objects

9.  “Rose’s Choice”……………Rose

10.  “Être Amoureux” (“To Be in Love”)……………Madame Buffet, Enchanted Objects

“Once Upon a Dream” (Reprise)……………Beast, Rose

11.  “Love Everlasting”……………Enchanted Objects

“Beast’s Lament” (Reprise)……………Beast

“Once Upon a Dream” (Reprise)……………Beast

12.  “Beauty in the Beast”……………Rose

Finale: “Être Amoreux” (Reprise)……………Cast Ensemble

“Love Everlasting” (Reprise)……………Cast Ensemble